Monday, July 18, 2011

Minor Things Make Me Crazy

For example, Twitter went batshit crazy earlier today and claimed that everyone did not have any followers and was not following anyone. It was fixed, thank goodness. If I had to track down all the people I follow again that would be just a compilation of time not worth my trouble. XD


I'm staying up until 3 AM my time (12 midnight Shane's time) to be one of the first to wish him a happy birthday, good and proper. I came prepared with a wad of duct tape to keep my eyes open. 

That's called dedication.


I finished my entry for Inspiration. I don't particularly care for it, but hey, I had to turn something in. ;D


  1. You're totally your own biggest critic. That's one hawt pic!

  2. *shrugs*
    I'm naturally self critical of myself. XD Thank you!
