Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I adore this family.
Totally surprised, I never thought I would be so attached. Right now, I typically did as planned. I tried to get Mia  to invite Sinbad back over, but he wouldn't come for anything. But who needs him? Time for plan B.

Mia romanced Caleb a bit -- enough to convince him to drop Layla and unite with dear Mia.

Poor thing. You'll be fine, you're getting plenty of cash in the royalties.
Which, that being said, is the reason she remains to live in the house. Tension? You bet. Mia and she are always fighting, and I literally mean always. I try to keep them apart, but they're just always at each other's throats, and they don't want to improve their relationship at all.

Oh well.

Caleb and Mia weren't married at the time, in fact they were just romantic interests, but they had two kids. One, a child, the other a teenager. The child's name is Jennette --

-- And the oldest, Shane. I know, I've used this name like a thousand times, but give me a break. I have an unhealthy obsession, I can't control it. >_<

I'll probably have an heir vote here and on the forums once it comes to be that time, shouldn't be too long. :)

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